The Get Togethers
The year of 2007 with all of its tragic happenings launched a brokenhearted Bethany Gray on a quest to document the events of that year, the most horrifying year of her life. This may seem melodramatic, but what doesn’t to a 17 year old girl?
After escaping a tumultuous childhood, Bethany faced an entirely new stomach-gnawing heartbreak. In 2007 she had an affair with a teacher, a woman, at her own high school.
This soul-sucking, life-depleting teenage cataclysm sent Bethany spiraling down. The police reports, private investigations and courtroom hearings rolled on through the following months, suffocating her hope for survival. She graduated early to avoid additional trauma and moved to Austin, Texas, where a tiny seed was planted – The Get Togethers (though at the time, she had only her sadness and a head full of melodies). It was there she conceived the concept album Home as in Houston to record the story of 2007. This album, which would take over five years to develop, was the very thing that allowed her to let go of that tragedy so many years ago.
A head-on collision car accident at 70 mph led Bethany to her fate. After relocating to Houston to recuperate from the injuries, a few unsuspecting visitors took her by surprise. Her best friend was there accompanied by traveling musicians from Nashville. Nursing a broken collarbone and pumped full of painkillers, Bethany watched the person that would change everything walk into the room – Daniel Frazier.
They were fast friends and six short months later Daniel traveled the 900 miles to Bethany’s doorstep on a rescue mission. They packed up her entire life and booked it back to Nashville. While Houston had always been home, Nashville was the newness she could never find in Austin. Upon arriving in this tremendous city, she met the other two people that would realign the stars forever—Kayce Grossman and Andrew Frazier (life long friend and younger brother to Daniel). These Nashville natives brought life and hope back into this Houston heartbreak.
In the spring of 2011 she began work on Home as in Houston. By the time summer hit she’d made nearly no progress and realized what was missing: Daniel Frazier (on guitar), Kayce Grossman (on drums) and Andrew Frazier (on bass). Having grown up together, playing music since their early teens, these guys had a real distinctiveness about them that would complete The Get Togethers.
That August, they officially formed the band, aiming to finish the long-time dream of Home as in Houston, which will finally be released September 24, 2013. What started out as unparalleled friendships transformed into the band we now know as The Get Togethers. They are memoir enthusiasts making homemade music.